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camping in Azerbaijan

Camping sites in Azerbaijan

Camping in Azerbaijan offers a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural exploration. This country, nestled at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, features a diverse landscape—from lush green valleys to stark mountain ranges—that makes it an ideal destination for camping enthusiasts. Here’s a guide to some of the top camping sites in Azerbaijan that will inspire you to pack your tent and venture into the great outdoors.

1. Shahdag National Park

Located in the Greater Caucasus range, Shahdag National Park is one of the largest national parks in Azerbaijan. This park is a paradise for campers and hikers alike, offering spectacular views of rugged mountains and deep gorges. The area also supports a wide variety of wildlife and plant species, making it a perfect spot for nature lovers.

2. Gobustan National Park

Famous for its ancient rock carvings, Gobustan National Park offers a camping experience that is both historical and scenic. Located about 64 kilometers southwest of Baku, it not only provides a glimpse into 40,000 years of human history through rock art but also offers stunning views of the Caspian Sea. Camping here allows for exploration of mud volcanoes and gas-stones alongside historical sites.

3. Ismailli State Reserve

For those looking to immerse themselves in lush forested areas, Ismailli State Reserve provides a cool retreat from the warmer lowlands. This reserve offers a dense forest canopy and is home to a variety of flora and fauna. Campers can enjoy the serene environment and might even spot some of the local wildlife such as lynxes, wolves, or bears from a safe distance.

4. Laza Village

Nestled in the mountains of Qusar Rayon, Laza Village is known for its stunning waterfalls and the surrounding mountainous landscape that becomes a winter sports hub during the snowy season. In the warmer months, it serves as an excellent base for trekking and camping, providing breathtaking views and the rush of nearby rivers.

5. Ganja

Though primarily an urban area, Ganja offers some unique suburban camping experiences. The nearby Lake Goygol, formed by a landslide after an earthquake in 1139, is encircled by forests and offers pristine natural settings ideal for camping. It’s a perfect spot for those who wish to combine city comforts with nature exploration.

6. Talistan Forest Park

For those who are a bit adventurous, Talistan Forest Park is less known and less frequented by tourists, providing a more secluded and intimate camping experience. Located in the Ismailli district, it features lush landscapes and is an excellent spot for those looking to disconnect and relax amidst nature.

Camping Tips in Azerbaijan

  • Permits: Some areas may require permits or have specific guidelines for camping, so it’s wise to check with local authorities beforehand.
  • Weather: The weather can vary greatly depending on the altitude and the season. Always be prepared with appropriate gear.
  • Leave No Trace: Preserving the natural beauty of these sites is crucial. Always follow the principles of Leave No Trace to minimize your impact on the environment.


Azerbaijan’s varied landscapes provide ample opportunities for campers to explore and enjoy. Whether you’re looking for high mountain adventures in Shahdag, historical tours in Gobustan, or forest retreats in Ismailli, Azerbaijan offers a wealth of camping experiences that cater to all tastes and preferences. So why wait? Start planning your camping trip to Azerbaijan today!

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